Thursday, November 1, 2007

Where's the Maytag man when you need him?

Oh how I miss my washer and dryer!

Last Sunday, my afternoon was spent doing laundry. Fortunately, I've already adopted the Ethiopian dress code - one outfit per week (unless my shirt and pants can stand on their own). It really is a simple process, but just takes a while. We have a stack of 3 old tires which serve as our table. On top of this we place the washing pan. On the ground are 3 to 4 rinse pans. I must not have had quite the "right" technique as my host Mom felt the need to take over half-way through my pile of laundry. I'm sure practice will make perfect!

In terms of drying...the wind quickly takes care of that. The only glitch is that we have to be careful that flies don't lay eggs in the drying clothes as these little eggs love to hatch into your skin and create problems. We've been told to either iron all clothing or let it sit for 4 days as the eggs will die in this period of time. Just to be safe.....I've let my clothing cure for 7 days! I'm not taking any chances!!