Over the course of the last month, there have been a lot of PCV’s who have come and gone. Whoever finds themselves to be the old-timer is given the job of orienting the newbies. Christina (Zambia; tonsils) took her role seriously and proceeded to show me the ropes. Within a day under her tutelage I knew the best place to purchase yummy deserts, the cheapest movie theatres, the correct soap for the washing machine, and the routes to walk to reach all of the important places (namely the shopping malls). We also developed an introduction shorthand so that any new additions to the group were quickly assimilated. My intro….”hi I’m Kristen…the gallbladder from Ethiopia…this is Jeremy the knee from Zambia….Chris, the horse kick from Botswana, etc”. This experience is kind of like summer camp and a support group rolled into one.
Lately the flow of newly wounded PCV’s has dried up. Only Chris and myself are left at the moment. But, I did hear rumors that someone is joining us tomorrow. Great…I could always use a new friend!
Me and Christina (Zambia)
Angie (Uganda) and I

Jeremy (Zambia) with Me and Angie
New Additions—Chris (Botswana) and Maria (Ethiopia)