When I first met my friend and fellow PCV, Eden, I vividly remember thinking “I must do everything within my power to keep my feet from looking like his!!” Eden had already been living in Africa for a year and his feet had taken a beaten. Dry heat, dirt roads, limited water, and sandals everyday do not lead to feet as soft (or even as clean) as a baby’s bottom. Megan and I promptly coined this phenomenon the “African foot” and set out to design a prevention program. As a physical therapist there is nothing that I hate more than nasty feet…especially if they’re my own!
Despite pumice stones, foot files and graters, extra thick lotion, plastic bags, and a nailbrush it’s amazing how quickly I can begin to lose the battle. I suspect that despite my daily “anti-African foot” routine, I will carry a bit of Ethiopian soil and grime in the soles of my feet long after I no longer call this place home.

When a group of us gets together a “foot program” is always on the agenda. There is nothing better than the combination of a cup of cocoa, good conversation (in English!), and a pedi program.