Monday, June 8, 2009

Potty Training

I never dreamed I would move to Ethiopia and write a blog post on the joys of potty training. But, these pictures are just too cute to pass up. Ava, at the ripe old age of 9 MONTHS, is not quite sure what to make of all this. She’s more interested in exploring her environment via placing anything and everything in her mouth, than taking care of business on the pot….but who am I to interfere. I just keep my mouth shut and do my best to serve as photographer in residence.

Given that diapers are a luxury here (and aren’t even sold in my town), I can understand Genet’s desire to get this potty training show on the road.

I can just hear Ava thinking… “You want me to do what?!”

It’s safe to say she’s had enough of this experiment!