Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lost in Translation

A trip wouldn’t be complete without at least one good bus story to share. After hitchhiking to Gundwegn, we realized we couldn’t be choosy about our next destination. Originally we had wanted to go to Mertolemariam to visit a friend. But, considering the daylight hours were waning, we decided we’d hop in whichever bus came along first. Hence, we found ourselves squeezed like sardines onto a bus headed toward Mota. Smith was shuffled to the back and I found myself on the platform above the engine sitting Indian style and facing backward. I really just wanted to close my eyes and let my mind drift as at this point I was on Ethiopia overload. That, however, was not meant to be. What ensued is what Smith describes as the most ridiculous conversation she has ever overheard. Over the roar of the bus engine and through the 3 people squeezed between this man and I, I had the pleasuring of participating in the following chat.

Random Dude: “have you see the ICELAND?”

Me: Excuse ME?

Random Dude: You know, the ICELAND in Lake Tana. Have you been?

ME: (What in the world is he talking about????? OH….does he mean island? Crap, I don’t know the Amharic word for island.) “Ummm..do you mean the land in the lake?”

Random Dude; YES! (said, while practically jumping up and down from excitement). The ICELAND!

ME: “I think you mean ISLAND”

Random Dude: Yes…ICELAND!

ME: (I should really just let this go, but I can’t have this dude accosting another unsuspecting foreigner with this ridiculous and completely random conversation). NO…it’s “eye-land”.

Random Dude: Huh? ICELAND?

ME: No, sir, It’s iiiiiiiii-land!!!!!!!

At that point I was fed up and he was thoroughly confused. Truly the most ridiculous, frustrating, random, pointless, and in retrospect, hilarious conversation I’ve had yet! These are the moments when I think, how in the world did I end up here?!?!