I'm constantly surrounded by Y-chromosomes. Yes, there are women and
girls that live here in my neighborhood but they are ensconced behind
compound walls washing clothes, preparing meals, toting water. The
boys on the other hand seemingly have ample time to roam, play, and
hang out with the "farenji".
As I was walking down the big hill to my house one day, I found myself
surrounded by the usual group of my Y-chromosome friends plus a few
extras. They were playing on and around a big Isuzu truck…climbing
into the bed, sitting on the bumper, sword fighting like swashbucklers
with one group up and the other down. In unison they chanted PHOTO,
PHOTO, PHOTO! A photo is something that is so easy for me to do.
It's costs me nothing and yet it is something that provides great joy
to them. So I bent down to retrieve the camera from my bag and when I
stood up I found myself face to face with a bunch of scrawny,
shirt-less, Arnold wanna-be's diligently trying to make their biceps
bulge. Boys will be boys...regardless of their nationality!