Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Habesha Way

Call me crazy, but I couldn't resist myself. As I sat huffing and puffing from the climb up from the waterfall, a young guy crested the gorge carting an extremely large load of sticks and stuff on his head. He dropped his load and sat down beside me for a rest. Unlike me,probably the only rest he allowed himself since starting his climb.

It is then that I got the crazy notion to give it a try. Why not?! So, with the help of two teenage boys, I hefted the load to the top of my head. It can't be that heavy, right? WRONG! Much like a foal testing out his legs for the first time, I weaved and wobbled trying to find my balance point as my arms quivered and my cervical spines houted ENOUGH!! Suffice it to stay, I never found that elusive cone of stability. After a minute (hmm, that might be generous…let's say 30 seconds) I crumbled like a house of cards and the heap landed with a resounding thud at my feet.

I am once again amazed at the strength and endurance of Ethiopians, but I don't envy the back pain that they must suffer as they enter their sunset years.