If I understood correctly, the Tara Center was established by a British woman and her Ethiopian husband and is a conglomeration of a host of her projects and ideas. What was most exciting for me was the baboon/monkey enclosure. The British woman has taken it upon herself to rescue these creatures and attempt to return them to the wild. I was enjoying watching the antics of the baboons from outside the enclosure and was beyond excited when I was asked, "do you want to go in?" Amber, on the other hand, was less than thrilled and elected to remain on the "safe side" of the fence. I did have a moment of concern (make that several) when I wondered what our medical officer would say in the event that I sustained a monkey bite. Fortunately, there were no bites, but I did have a moment of panic when the baboon that was holding onto me lashed out at the puppy that was also trying to create space for itself in my lap. According to Amber and Megan, there was some serious gnashing of teeth. Yikes!

Amber watches from the "safe side" of the fence

This picture reflects the "calm before the storm". Since we all jumped when the tussle broke out between puppy and monkey, the photo that shows the gnashing of teeth is blurry.

Nicole enjoys a little grooming session. The question is, what is he looking for?

Megan has her hands full! By the time she "escaped" the enclosure, she was absolutely filthy from head to toe.