Me, Christie, Megan
Our Fabulous Feast
Savoring the Moment
Holidays, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas, are my most favorite time of the year. I'm all about TRADITION…to the point that it drives my family crazy. I also have never missed a holiday with my family. Even though there aren't brilliantly colored fall leaves, gaudy storefront displays, the ringing of the Salvation Army bells, or the aromas of pumpkin pie, fresh cut pine, or cinnamon one innately knows we are "missing out" on the best time of the year. Fortunately, Peter (our Country Director) realized this and undertook the task of bringing Thanksgiving and Christmas to us. For practical reasons, we had to roll it into one event and subsequently called it "ThanksMAS". It was a fabulous evening complete with a Thanksgiving style feast, White Elephant exchange, and a viewing of the outrageously funny Christmas movie "ELF". It was a night that we won't soon forget and neither will our stomachs. Peter hosted the event at his home in Addis and several representatives of the ex-pat community (a big thank you to the folks from USAID and State Department) helped contribute fabulous Thanksgiving style dishes. After weeks of eating INJERA 2-3 times per day, this meal tasted like a slice of Heaven. The picture that Megan captured of me is not staged. I seriously was in my own little world savoring every morsel!