Peace Corps asked us to take a family photo, which we will then give our host families at the end of training. So, I arranged a photo shoot over lunch today. What I didn't realize was how intent my host mom was on me wearing traditional Ethiopian garb. I returned home to find a pile of gauzy white material, which in fact was my little Momma's traditional clothing. I need to emphasize the word "little" as it is an important distinction for the remainder of the story. Needless to say, I'm a good sport and took the clothing to my room to confirm what I already knew to be true…pigs would fly before her clothing would fit me!
I returned to the living room, shrugged my shoulders, and in broken Amharic indicated that I would just wear the shawl. Well, she wasn't satisfied with that idea and in the middle of the living room proceeded to try to stuff me into the dress. It was quite a battle (her vs. the dress—I was just an innocent pawn) and I thought she had finally acquiesced when she got this glint in her eye, gave one final tug (mostly on the dress) and gave a victory cry as the seam ripped. Yes…I'm wearing a traditional Ethiopian dress for the picture, but what you can't see is the gaping hole in the back or my own "very American" clothing underneath! It made her very happy and I received a "Conju…Habesh nesh ahun" (translation…Beautiful… You are Ethiopian now!).
The other picture is of me in the "gabby" that my host-mother made for me. Nobody has heavy coats here, so when it is chilly (as is true in the early morning and evenings) one bundles up in a gabby. I have yet to figure out, though, how to wear it without looking like a mummy!