Thursday, October 22, 2009

Happy New Year 2002

Happy New Year 2002…again! For those of you that find yourself wanting a “do-over” or claim a “mulligan” after a wayward shot, perhaps you should consider relocating to Ethiopia for a time. Where else in the world do you get the chance to do-over an entire year?!

This year’s festivities were a little more low-key than the previous year. To the dismay of all Orthodox Ethiopians, New Years fell on a fasting day. For me and the sheep, that meant a day of reprieve. But, on New Years Day +1, the festivities commenced. I could have made the round of households with Gigi and family, but to be honest, I just couldn’t face the multiple sheep slaughterings and the platefuls that follow. Instead, I spent the day on the compound with my landlord and his family. It was a delightful day…and especially so as Aselef has learned what I can and can’t eat (perhaps will and won’t eat is more apropos). She kindly prepares me my own plate of well-cooked meat free of sheep parts, sheep fat, and sheep bone. Now that is truly a reason to celebrate!

Ava rounds up our New Years’ Feast. This is a girl after my own heart—a true farm kid.

Genet, Ava, and Hannah

It’s a rare opportunity that I am able to catch Getachew and Aselef in the same shot. The sheep slaughtering is celebrated by nibbling on injera served with a spicy berbery paste.

Just to prove that I was indeed a part of the festivities

It is customary that the men of the family perform the slaughtering. Getachew’s son, Addisu (in the foreground), takes the lead this New Year.