Ava is such a charmer. With her sweet smile, infectious giggle, and precocious personality she finds a way to brighten my everyday. Honestly, it doesn’t take much. Her outstretched arms the second she catches a glimpse of me, and the meltdown that ensues when I return her are enough to melt my heart.
At the wise old age of 15 months, it is not uncommon for her to sneak away from her house at the back of the compound (unbeknownst to her mother), enter my home through the door that I perpetually leave cracked open, and help herself to my endless supply of "treasures": shiny DVDs, keys, loose change, and her favorite—my cell phone. It is because of her kleptomaniac tendencies that she has earned the nickname "Ava the Layba" (layba is Amharic for thief). She has even developed her own signature. Everything that catches her eye and is soon within her grimy grasp is given a nice big fat kiss—the smacking sort of kind.
At the wise old age of 15 months, it is not uncommon for her to sneak away from her house at the back of the compound (unbeknownst to her mother), enter my home through the door that I perpetually leave cracked open, and help herself to my endless supply of "treasures": shiny DVDs, keys, loose change, and her favorite—my cell phone. It is because of her kleptomaniac tendencies that she has earned the nickname "Ava the Layba" (layba is Amharic for thief). She has even developed her own signature. Everything that catches her eye and is soon within her grimy grasp is given a nice big fat kiss—the smacking sort of kind.

How could you not smile to see this little burglar trying to sneak in?

I love this perfectly timed shot! And, if you’re wondering, a big smacking kiss was bestowed upon the mirror.

I love a good meltdown and ironically I seem to be the root cause of most of Ava’s meltdowns. Lucky for me, I can just return her!