I knew this day was coming, but I still wasn’t prepared for it. Megan decided it was time to return home and subsequently left the rest of us behind! Despite living 10 hours apart and only getting to hang out on the rare occasion, I still feel like I’ve lost a limb. Countless times I’ve started to text her about a ridiculous “only-in-Ethiopia” event that we could commiserate over or laugh about, and then realized that she’s thousands of miles and several time-zones away consuming gallons of ice cream and surfing high-speed internet without me! Ugh!
This type of crazy experience forges strong friendships. I’m glad to count her as a lifelong friend regardless of which continent she currently resides on!
Miss you Megan!
This type of crazy experience forges strong friendships. I’m glad to count her as a lifelong friend regardless of which continent she currently resides on!
Miss you Megan!