It truly is the little things that brighten my day and make the distance between Ethiopia and all the things and people I left behind seem not so far apart. It’s the routine Sunday night phone call from my parents, the surprise package from a good friend, a “blooming” card from my sis, a newsy email, an old (but new to me) PEOPLE magazine, and the list could go on and on. I love all of these things, but there are times when I crave a taste of home. Injera will never serve as comfort food!
The other day Straw arrived and brought with her a taste of home that we never would have believed possible….CHEESECAKE! Her dad sends the most amazing care packages and Straw so generously shared her treasure with us. I did make a small contribution to our impromptu party. Somewhere along the line I acquired a can of cherry pie filling. How fortuitous!

Smith, Me, and Megan

The Kristens’ (Smith, Me, and Straw). A very big thank-you to Straw’s dad!!!!