Having a summer birthday meant never having the privledge of bringing cupcakes to school, but it did mean that I would often celebrate my birthday in unique locations. I fondly recall celebrating my 11th birthday in Traverse City, MI at a McDonalds where “Shang-hai chicken nuggets” were served with complimentary chop-sticks. And then there was my 13th birthday which was celebrated in Yellowstone National Park with a most unusual but welcome guest…a wayward buffalo. I’m fairly confident, though, that I never dreamed I’d celebrate a birthday in Ethiopia! I’m so blessed to have such great friends and family on 2 continents who went out of their way to make my birthday a special one!

Gigi wanted to learn how to make zuccini and banana bread so we decided that they would serve as my birthday cakes. Even Tambarat got in on the baking action!

Celebrating at Gigi’s house with (from left to right) Belete, Tadeseh, Yimegne, and Tambarat.