I think Amber and I would both agree that the best part of her visit was simply hanging out. It was fun to show her my world and all of its quirks. Amber learned the art of washing bunna (would you believe that you use AJAX!?)…I learned how to be patient cooking for two on a single kerosene burner…we perfected baking chocolate chip zucchini bread in a dutch oven…Amber introduced Abi to the concept of kool-aid…we had multiple "movie nights" crowded around my laptop and got to share in Hapti and Abi's first animated movie—RATATOUILLE (Abi literally squealed with delight watching the antics of a cooking mouse while Hapti wrestled with whether or not this was real or imaginary. We wandered the market…screamed in unison over frustrations with internet…witnessed lamb butchering…drank cup after cup of very strong bunna…and thoroughly just enjoyed being able to spend time with each other.

Why is this little guy so darn cute!?!

I've concluded that sheep are truly dumb. This is the one that wasn't butchered (at least not yet). He managed to get himself in a jam and when I couldn't handle the strangled bleating sound any longer, I had to come to the rescue.

Amber (with Souwnet's help) washed and roasted a full kilo of bunna…a time consuming process.