Megan & I with Director Tschetter and his wife Nancy.
Christen S. and Me (we will be living in the same town)

Me and my original language teacher Esey. She is wearing traditional Habesha clothing.
For the past 10 weeks, I haven't been a PCV, but rather a Peace Corps trainee. That changed Thursday (Dec 13) when I was sworn in on the lawn of the Ambassador's residence in Addis. What a fun day! The World Wide PC Director (Ron Tschetter) flew in for the event (which is not the norm). He and his wife, Nancy, are former PCVs to India (in the 60s) and are so interesting to talk with. In addition to the 42 of us, there were approximately 200 other guests present for the ceremony including the Ethiopian Minister of Health, the US Ambassador to the African Union, US Ambassador to Ethiopia, former PCVs, a slew of US Embassy and NGO staff, and the national as well as international press. We have been told since day 1 that PC's return to Ethiopia was a big deal, but this event really made it feel like a big deal. After a reception on the lawn (the PC volunteers could be found hovering around the food table the entire evening---we hadn't seen white meat chicken in 2 months!), we had a private tour of the Ambassador's residence. Ambassador Yamamoto is such a gracious and kind host and has invited us all back for dinner in the next few months. I can't wait!