Ato Zeleke (Ato is Amharic for Mister)
Ato Muluken

My Office
I thought you might like to meet my counterparts and see my office. I have been assigned to WORLD LEARNING and will be working with at least 3 schools in my town. WORLD LEARNING is an international NGO and I'm sure they have a web site if you're interested in more information. My role entails addressing the unique issues related to orphans and vulnerable children with regard to health, school attendance, early marriage, income generating activities, nutritition, etc. I still haven't a clue as to what that means on a daily basis, but I am excited to be out of the hospital environment for a change and working with children. I will share more as I learn more.
My counterparts thus far have been great…very kind, very attentive, very helpful, and very FUNNY! Ato Muluken is professional, business-like, efficient, has high expectations of himself and others, and has a can-do attitude. His consistent response to my many questions is "it is possible". Ato Zeleke acts like a favorite, zany Uncle…he's got this great raspy voice, greets anyone and everyone as we pass by, and instructs everyone that he introduces me to in the following: 1) Don't TOUCH Her, 2) stand at a distance when speaking with her (this is said while he draws an imaginary personal bubble around me), and most important 3) She demands RESPECTION! I just love point #3---makes me laugh everytime he says it! You may wonder about the origin of the above 3 points. One of the returned PCVs spoke at the event when counterparts were introduced to their respective volunteers with the intent of sharing American culture (i.e. the do's and don't related to personal space, professionalism among colleagues, privacy, etc). My guys took this very seriously as evidence by their copious notes and consistent dialogue when introducing us around town. It was so challenging to contain my laughter when we got to the above 3 points while meeting with the police inspector, county prosecuter, hospital administrator, etc. Gotta love it!