I have always been concerned for Abi’s health. In the time that I have known him, he hasn’t grown an inch. So, I took advantage of his unexpected arrival in DebreMarkos and invited both him and Souwnet to go to the clinic….my treat. I’m sure Abi would have much preferred some other type of treat, but he is so agreeable and willing to do whatever I ask of him. He bravely allowed himself to be examined by my friend, Dr. Iskayis, endured having his blood drawn, provided the required urine sample, but couldn’t come through with the stool sample. It was so hard to keep a straight face when he marched out of the shinta beyt, shrugged his shoulders and loudly declared, “caca yellum” (there isn’t any poop!), and “embi alle” (it’s not willing). He may not be growing, but there is nothing wrong with his sense of humor!