My life in Ethiopia is such a trip and I’m so glad that my parents were able to experience the real deal. In our 5½ days in town, we had water once and power twice! We hand washed clothes, hauled water, burned trash in the street, hosted my neighbor kids for game day, washed dishes crouched on a small stool, walked EVERYWHERE, ate by candlelight, and cooked by headlamp. No special accommodations—just pure, unadulterated Ethiopian life.
Bonding with Ava.
Dad burning trash. Everything I do draws a crowd and Dad got to experience that first hand.
Mom provided a helping hand with dishwashing duty.
There is always something happening on my compound. Here, Mom is helping Aselef pound the husk off of the kernels of wheat.
A visit to Ethiopia wouldn’t be complete without trying your hand at making injera. As Mom found out, there is a bit of technique involved.
Aselef couldn’t disguise her astonished reaction when Dad requested a turn at injera making. This is NOT men’s work. Ironically, Dad’s technique was superior to Mom’s!
I spend a significant portion of my “free time” dealing with water these days and this week was no exception. Fortunately, we have a well on the compound. Unfortunately, the water is a good 25-30 feet down.
I just had to show off my prowess at Dutch oven baking.
Hand washing clothes is hard work, but Mom was up for the challenge.
Exhausted after hauling water and washing clothes, Mom and I decided we deserved a break!
My neighborhood kids, who attend my Friday afternoon program, were so excited to meet my parents. And, desperately hoping for a sweet treat from America. They didn’t leave disappointed.