I had the opportunity to participate in the TimKat (Epiphany) celebrations on January 19 and I think once per lifetime is sufficient! I am not one for large crowds and then couple that with intense heat and it makes for one overwhelming experience. Anyways…we joined my landlady, her family, and throngs of other people in procession to the local Orthodox Church. Many Ethiopians were wearing their "habesha camis" (traditional white dress with colorful, patterned trim) and sporting ornate umbrellas. When we finally arrived at the church it was a sea of people who would randomly break into song, dance, clapping, and even running. They also make this amazing high-pitched sound that is borderline yell and "battle-cry" that I would love for you to hear, but it is one that I won't and can't replicate!
One of the drawbacks to being there (other than claustrophobia and dehydration) was that we drew a lot of attention. So much so that it felt like at times the focus shifted from that of celebrating Epiphany to celebrating the American girls. When the crush of the crowd around us got to be overwhelming, I would wiggle my way out in an attempt to find some breathing room only to discover that the crowd had followed. I lasted about 45 minutes and called it a day. Now I can say,"been there…done that…don't need to do it again!"