As usual, I’m the last to know anything of importance and found out the morning of his party that my attendance was requested that afternoon. Good thing I don’t have work!
So I promptly raced to town bound for Gigi’s shop and the display of birthday hats she has. I purchased a birthday hat, a candle and then raced back home to wrap a couple of gifts in wrapping paper saved from my birthday. Fortunately a good friend (who is a huge Abi fan) had just sent a package with items for Abi. What perfect timing!
Aselef and I then headed to Souwnet’s third “new” house in as many weeks. The good news about this house is that it is a stone’s throw from mine. THANKGOODNESS! Souwnet had borrowed from Aselef all the necessary items for an Ethiopian birthday party—namely bunna, cups, and a jabena! (yes…even a 3 year old celebrates by having a cup of joe!). I pulled out Abi’s birthday hat and his eyes lit up like the rising sun. He was SOOOO excited and we hadn’t even gotten to the gifts! When I gave him the 2 wrapped packages he thanked me with his version of “amesaygenalo” and sat them aside. He had no clue what to do with wrapped packages! In a language that only Abi and I share and understand, I provided instruction and he followed like a pro. The first gift that he opened was a package of gummy worms (I had to inform him that they were candy). As soon as he understood that he had just been gifted with “carameylas” he insisted on tearing into them. What followed was the most priceless and humorous 5 minutes that I’ve experienced since being here and I’m so disappointed that I didn’t get it on video.
I removed one lone gummy worm from the package and he freaked out. He was literally scared to death! As he frantically backed away from me and the wriggling worm, he screamed, “it bites me…it bites me.” At this point, I’m practically in tears from laughing while at the same time trying to explain that it won’t bite…you BITE it! I then had to demonstrate that it was toothless by eating half the worm. This gave him the courage to reach out and touch it only to freak out once again from the texture. This time the worm went flying and we were again back to, “it bites me!” After a lot of coaxing and further demonstration, Abi bit into the first gummy worm of his life and his eyes lit once again.
I have to say that Abi is the bravest Ethiopian I know. He is willing to try anything and everything I throw his way. When Aselef turns up her nose or Souwnet backs away, Abi raises his eyebrows and jerks his head upward as if to say “bring it on!”
Happy Birthday my dear little friend!!!!!