Monday, March 10, 2008


I have had so many "firsts" here. My first bunna ceremony, my first sheep slaughtering, my first solo bus trip…and the list could go on and on. Once in awhile it is fun to turn the tables and observe someone else experiencing a "first". This happens to be Abi's first banana!!! And you can see from the expression on his face that he is LOVIN' bananas. I had to snatch the peel away as he was just about to give that a try as well.

A few days after this, I found him with his face plastered against my front door. I opened my door and he asked me for something. I figured it was just his typical "2-year old nonsense" talk and set about to distract him. This pattern repeated itself for several days and eventually I asked one of the various Ethiopians that share my compound if they could understand what he was talking about. He repeatedly said something that sounded a bit like "booze." Turns out…he is a smart kid and I'm the dumb one. Mooz is the Amharic word for banana and I just couldn't make the link between "booze" and "mooz". I think I've created a monster…one with healthy habits!